I'm a third party. I observe, I question and abate the answers. I can tell you very few things for sure. I can rattle off finance and trading jargon, examples and theories. But I doubt anyone would like that. I can tell you for a fact very few things. But I will say that we as a generation, my generation are losing touch. We don't know why we are here, what to do, or how to do it.
I hate myself sometimes. Unadulterated loathing. I can hardly find a reason to wake up in the morning. Which I think is a more common theme in the present than we as a society think. Most of us are depressed and looking for a purpose. Like Fight Club said we all were brought up to believe that we would be movie stars or rock gods but instead of being pissed off that we are not; we've been beaten into submission thinking that none of this shit matters and why even try. And that's just sad, because while there are many problems that we cannot help we should not feel the burden of those problems we cannot do anything about. But should we?
If the only thing this blog does is give me an outlet to express my dark opinions I will be happy with it. But I hope someone out there reads this and thinks ya I feel the same way and you are right, fuck feeling like this. I hope I can help one person. Because if I can help one person then I will feel good. Because no matter how much of a capitalist you are, you cannot deny that truly helping someone feels a helluva lot better than making a quick buck. It's human nature. I hope.
I hate myself sometimes. Unadulterated loathing. I can hardly find a reason to wake up in the morning. Which I think is a more common theme in the present than we as a society think. Most of us are depressed and looking for a purpose. Like Fight Club said we all were brought up to believe that we would be movie stars or rock gods but instead of being pissed off that we are not; we've been beaten into submission thinking that none of this shit matters and why even try. And that's just sad, because while there are many problems that we cannot help we should not feel the burden of those problems we cannot do anything about. But should we?
If the only thing this blog does is give me an outlet to express my dark opinions I will be happy with it. But I hope someone out there reads this and thinks ya I feel the same way and you are right, fuck feeling like this. I hope I can help one person. Because if I can help one person then I will feel good. Because no matter how much of a capitalist you are, you cannot deny that truly helping someone feels a helluva lot better than making a quick buck. It's human nature. I hope.
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